我院BARBARA教授邀请的Eugene Bogomolny教授( Université Paris Sud, France)将来访我院并做学术报告。欢迎届时参加!
题目: Quantum triangles
地点:Physics Building 5004
I will shortly discuss what is known about spectral statistics of pseudo-integrable triangular billiards. Special attention will be given to the calculation of spectral compressibility for such systems and the formation of superscar wave functions.
题目:Introduction to hyperbolic geometry and Selberg trace formula
The Selberg trace formula relates the spectral density of the automorphic Laplace-Beltrami operator on hyperbolic surfaces generated by discrete groups with classical periodic orbits for the free motion on such surfaces. This formula is one of rare examples of exact trace formulas which constitute the basis of semiclassical quantization of chaotic quantum systems. The talk is devoted to an elementary introduction to the hyperbolic geometry and the derivation of the Selberg trace formula by using the analogy with the construction of the trace formula for the rectangular billiard.